
Free Booklets

Do I Really Want God?

Do I Really Want God?

By Peter Herbeck

Peter’s booklet explores the keys to strengthening your personal relationship with God. It can help rekindle your passion to put Jesus at the center of your life.

Does God Really Love Me?

By Ralph Martin

In our society, love is often misunderstood, underestimated, or trivialized. In this booklet, Ralph Martin tells us about the most humble, undeserved, and generous love imaginable–God’s love. He explores the great depth of the father’s love for us through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ, and opens us up to a love charged with meaning, purpose, and truth.

Don't Give Up

Don’t Give Up

By Ralph Martin

This booklet presents to us what the Scriptures and the Church teach about the absolute need for perseverance to the end. For each of us, it can be the difference between heaven and hell! These clear and concise keys to perseverance will help us continue on our journey with renewed determination and fervor.

Hope in the Midst of Suffering

By Sr. Ann Shields, SGL

Sr. Ann explores a topic many people fear and desperately try to avoid. Suffering, however, can be a tremendous gift and produce much fruit in a believer’s life. Through the scriptures, the writings of John Paul II, the testimonies of saints, and personal stories, we see how suffering can bring us into greater intimacy with God.

How Can I Pray

How Can I Pray?

By Ralph Martin

In this booklet, Ralph Martin sets forth a simple explanation of prayer and outlines an easy-to-follow method for daily personal prayer, including how to deal with obstacles to prayer and how to pray for things as God intends.

Whether you are just beginning in prayer or already pray regularly, this booklet can help you to grow in intimacy with God.

Living the Lord's Prayer

Living the Lord’s Prayer

By Peter Herbeck

We all desire to be successful, to have our lives count for something. The apostles were eager to know true wisdom and the secret of success, so they implored the Lord, “Teach us to pray!” As you learn about and meditate on the Lord’s Prayer, may Jesus’ priorities and goals, and the habits of his heart, become the ultimate guide for your own life.

My Five Most Important Decisions

By Ralph Martin

In this booklet, Ralph Martin describes the five foundational decisions that have shaped and anchored his life for the past 40 years. Ralph’s personal reflections will help you make meaningful decisions in your own life.

Overcoming Sin

Overcoming Sin

By Ralph Martin

Many of us live with the frustration and discouragement of not being able to overcome aspects of sin in our lives. This booklet clearly articulates the practical and enduring wisdom of the saints that has helped many conquer sin and grow in holiness.

The Good News of the Eucharist

The Good News of the Eucharist

By Ralph Martin

This booklet describes in insightful detail the meaning of the different prayers and actions of the Eucharist, helping us better fulfill Jesus’ invitation to worship the Father “in Spirit and in Truth.”

The New Evangelization - Why Bother

The New Evangelization-Why Bother

By Ralph Martin

The Catholic Church is focusing in a major way on the need for a “new evangelization.” In this booklet Ralph Martin clearly explains what this “new evangelization” is all about and why it is so important that all of us take our part in it. Ralph is uniquely qualified to communicate these truths through his experience in evangelization with Renewal Ministries as well as his role as Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit. In 2011 Ralph was appointed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to serve a five year term as a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. He has expanded on this topic in much greater depth in his book: Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization.

To Walk by the Spirit

To Walk by the Spirit

By Peter Herbeck

Christianity is the promise of a new life, a changed and transformed life, a life free from the bondage to sin. Yet today, many who call themselves Christians would say that their faith makes very little practical difference in their lives.
Is change really possible? Is a life characterized by genuine freedom and joy really possible? In this short booklet Peter Herbeck addresses these questions with convincing clarity and insight. To Walk By the Spirit is a simple, yet powerful explanation of what it means to live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

What Am I Living For?

What Am I Living For?

By Sr. Ann Shields, SGL

The culture of death has invaded and penetrated our society to an alarming degree. Hearts and minds have been deceived to think man has the right over who is allowed to come to birth, and that each of us should have authority over when and how we die.

Sr. Ann believes that we are missing an essential weapon for this life and death struggle—the gift of the vision of heaven. Through the living and enduring Word of God proclaimed in this booklet, we can begin to “see” heaven. We can begin to grasp the inestimable value of each person as we ponder the incredible realities that await us.

What Are We Facing?

By Peter Herbeck & Ralph Martin

In this booklet, Peter Herbeck and Ralph Martin address some of the central issues facing the world and the Church. What is the message that God is trying to give us in the Church scandals and in the climate of worldwide terrorism? Peter and Ralph give insight into these significant events and how we as Christians can meaningfully respond to them.

What Happens When I Die?

By Ralph Martin

In this booklet, Ralph Martin reflects on what Scripture and the Church say about what happens when we die. Ralph’s message will give you renewed hope in the resurrection and inspire you to follow Jesus more closely.

What is the Spirit Saying?

What is the Spirit Saying?

By Peter Herbeck

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” (Rev 2:7)

We are passing through a time of difficult transition for the world and the Church. There has been a substantial weakening of faith and morality in our society.

What is the Spirit saying to us in these uncertain and difficult times?


There is only one solution to the world’s situation: Jesus.

In this booklet, Peter Herbeck clearly articulates what the Spirit is saying, and how He is leading us to Jesus through important leaders and events. Herbeck invites us to respond to what the Spirit is saying to us personally and encourages us to become a part of His work during this pivotal time in the Church.

What Time Is It?

By Ralph Martin

I believe that time is now running out for our generation. I believe that our generation will see the fire of God. Our generation faces a choice: repentance or judgment. Time ran out for Sodom and Gomorrah. Time ran out for the generation of Noah. Time tragically ran out for the city of Jerusalem. And time is running out for us.

Why Forgive?

Why Forgive?

By Sr. Ann Shields, SGL

In this booklet, Sr. Ann Shields turns to the scriptures and the living examples of modern day men and women who have applied the living Word of God to their circumstances and found power to endure, to change and to bring life in situations they feared would consume them. Through the Scripture, Sr. Ann Shields focuses on the life giving power that comes when we obey God’s word and the victory we can experience in ourselves and our families.

Will Many Be Saved?

Will Many Be Saved?

By Ralph Martin

A precursor to his published, full-length study Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization.

What are the chances that I will be saved? Ralph Martin explores Scripture and the views of great Christians down through the ages to answer this thought-provoking question. Here is clear Christian teaching that will encourage believers to remain on the straight and narrow way and challenge those who haven’t yet heard or responded to the gospel.

Yielding to the Power of God

Yielding to the Power of God

By Sr. Ann Shields, SGL

This short book is an enduring favorite of many. Sr. Ann weaves together personal stories and godly wisdom as she challenges readers to abandon their lives more fully to God’s will. The reward for doing so will be a life of greater holiness, joy and power.

Receiving Fire – Thai Translation

By Peter Herbeck

In this booklet, Peter Herbeck examines the theme of fire in Scripture. Christ made salvation possible by embracing a baptism of fire. The Lord also hopes to accomplish much in our lives through his holy flames. Additionally, Peter discusses how to avoid the fire of God’s judgment and be transformed by the fire of his love.

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